The High Life story
Nives and Alenka crowned their childhood friendship with business cooperation. The design of the idea and philosophy of the brand began to take shape during a relaxed morning walk. As we often confide in those closest to us, while drinking the first coffee in the morning, the two confided in their friends about their problems: one about insomnia and the other about recurring allergies. Many coffees later, sleepless nights, visits to laboratories, reading research and creating recipes, the product idea was hatched: to offer products to the market that will keep our body in balance, equip it with the missing minerals and vitamins and help it reach its best version ourselves. Amidst the flood of products flooding our market, they’ve designed three steps to help you optimize your daily nutrient intake and enable functionality. Each of the steps was designed on the basis of personal experience, knowledge and filled a gap left in the market.
The owners first designed Elixir 01 – not only does it contain first-class ingredients, but also its use in five different ways is designed according to the needs of the consumer. A combination of detox zeolite in the form of natural clinoptilolite, vitamin C, zinc, which significantly affects cognitive functions, and hemp extract, which contains cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids. With the perfect recipe, they managed to get all the necessary ingredients with just one silver bag – and at the same time, you can be a little creative with the use itself.
Between regular commitments, navigating between family and business life and the fast pace dictated by everyday life, they began researching a new product, formula 02, which combines keeping a sharp mind and maintaining beauty. The combination of Cognizin®, Cynatin®, selenium and vitamin K proved to be a winning combination in maintaining external and internal beauty according to laboratory tests (and testing on the first two users).
Quality sleep is the topic of many conversations. Based on their own experiences and listening to the stories of loved ones, the owners revisited the proven laboratory and started creating the third recipe. Formula 03 combines melatonin, CBN and CBD in the form of water-soluble hemp extract, and B-complex vitamins. The formula helps us fall asleep faster, regenerate during sleep and reduce fatigue and exhaustion.
Each product is produced in a GMP-certified environment, and all our products are also regularly analyzed in accredited laboratories. We stand behind the quality and active ingredients, which are not only in the minority in the product but in high percentages and are proven effective. We are transparent with our customers and want to make them aware of the importance of supplements. The formulas are joined by other products that we believe help you achieve your best potential. Since our products were created in response to everyday problems we face, it is easy to introduce them into our daily routine – and thus give them the opportunity to be our daily dose of the high life.